Liverpool Festival 2009

On Thursday 21st May at Hope St , George Harradon Lodge 956 hosted what is expected to be the first of many Liverpool Mark Festivals when everyone witnessed a brilliant demonstration of the Albany Tracing Board led by W.Bro Mel Cross and other members of  Bispham with Norbreck Lodge No 866.
The format and principle of the Festival is exactly the same as used by Lodges in the Fylde area ,where it has proved very successful over many years to promote a greater interaction and understanding  between lodges of that area.
The RW PGM Peter Connolly while concerned with all his Lodges , believed that his Lodges in the Liverpool area would benefit if they adopted this idea of a Festival , so as to similarly promote the same good-will and cross visiting of Mark Masons within the Liverpool group of Lodges as found in Blackpool area.
As  such the PGM requested W.Bro Ian Elsby to head up a small team including the Provincial Secretary V.W.Bro Fred Hargreaves and W.Bro's. Graham Arnold  and Colin Bayliss to further promote to idea by visiting all the Liverpool Lodges and encourage them to consider attending this inaugural demonstration and more importantly devise and complete something that would equally “Demonstrate “ their thespian skills  to the other Liverpool Lodges in 2010, thereby continuing this new Liverpool Mark Festival.  W.Bro. Paul Shepherd has volunteered to take this idea on board and to bring it to fruition.
Before the demonstration clearly time to stock up with those essential Mark items
Prior to proceedings the WM of George Harradon G Arnold and W.Bro Ken Cox 
obviously wondering what is beneath this covering
With the meeting called off , time to invite our Craft friends in to the demonstration
The RW PGM Peter Connolly welcomes everyone  to what proved to be a very splendid demonstration.
The Demonstration in progress , conducted by Mel Cross at the lectern top left
Photos from the Festive Board , One could simple “feel “ the buzz of  great night
The RW PGM Peter Connolly  addresses  the Festive Board , thanking each and every one of the 125 Masons  who attended being totally assured it was a fantastic evening


Thanks to Graham Arnold for the report and photos.